Hamline Univ. Offers Social Justice Major Complete with ‘Gender Politics’ Course

by Seth Segal


A Minnesota university is offering a social justice degree with courses ranging from “Gender Politics” to “Diversity and Education.”

Hamline University’s social justice major purports to give students “the knowledge to analyze current social ills and the practical skills to combat them, while developing skills related to political and legal systems.”

Concentrations in the major have included Native American Studies, Environmental Quality and Economic Development, and Race and Racism and participants in the program have gone on to careers in politics, law enforcement, and education.

Courses offered in the major include “Gender Politics,” “Diversity and Education,” “The Role of Conflict in Social Change,” “Philosophy of Nonviolence,” and “Sexuality, Gender Identity, and the Law.”

The major’s FAQ page claims that there are around 25-30 social justice majors at Hamline at any given time.

Campus Reform contacted Hamline University Young Americans for Liberty, but did not obtain comment in time for press.

Hamline directed Campus Reform to social justice program director Valerie Chepp, but Chepp only forwarded this correspondent’s email to Hamline’s media relations department.

The Minnesota school is not the first to teach social justice as a subject.

Ohio Wesleyan University also offers a social justice major, which mandates that students complete an “activism” project and boasts a “contemporary feminist theory” course, which examines “marxist feminism” and “socialist feminism.”

Hamilton College in New York offered a spring 2019 course called “Education, Teaching, and Social Change,” examining how certain teaching methods can constitute “an act of social justice” and “decolonize” education.

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Seth Segal is a New York Campus Correspondent, reporting on liberal bias and abuse for Campus Reform. He attends graduate school at Yeshiva University.
Photo “Hamline University” by Hamline University




Appeared at and reprinted from DailySignal.org

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One Thought to “Hamline Univ. Offers Social Justice Major Complete with ‘Gender Politics’ Course”

  1. CCW

    Only in Minnesota. What is wrong with these people? Never heard of Hamline. I hope it stays that way.
